We love our luxury facial oils! What better way to introduce essential nutrients to your skin? But is a plant based facial oil right for you?
If you have dry, flaky (think dehydrated) skin or struggle occasionally with dry skin due to climate or season, then a plant based facial oil will revive your skin instantly and lock in moisture. Facial oils can be added to your favorite moisturizer as well. Think of it as a "boost" to your moisturizer to replenish and nourish your skin. The beauty of this (pun intended), is that you can stop looking for the perfect, "fix it all" moisturizer. Simply put, your moisturizer can't do it all! No single skincare product can. Look for facial oils that won't leave behind an oily residue. The right facial oil will soak into your skin. (Coconut and Olive Oil are "barrier" oils, unlike Barbary Fig, Pomegranate, Marula, Rosehip Oils, to name a few, which are "carrier" oils and are well absorbed into your skin). Different plant based oils will also have different results for your skin. There is no single, plant based oil that will meet all of your skin's needs. (It's why we blend our luxury facial oils so that the oils can work in harmony). Facial oils are versatile as well. Slather it on for those extremely dry episodes. Add a few drops to your moisturizer to achieve soft, glowing skin.
So, let's re-cap. We know our skin is a complex organ. We also know that there is not a "one ingredient" miracle that will meet all of our skins needs. While plant based oils are chock full of critical antioxidants, they should be considered as supportive to other ingredients in your skincare,like Actives, Peptides, Hydrators and Emollients. So don't throw out your moisturizer and rely solely on any one facial oil. Like most things in life, they work better cooperatively!